Know Safety
No Loss
- Soft Skill Training
In addition to Normal syllabus NCFSE provides free training in soft skills like personality development, functional English, model interviews etc… We believe that for a person to be successful in life, good communication skill and excellent personality development is a must. - Admission
The basic qualification for admission to DFSE course is SSLC Pass and above. Preference will be given to the candidate with higher qualification. Registered candidates will be called for admission. - Identity Cards
All students admitted to the college will be provided photo identity cards which should be worn on all days. - Attendance
All the candidates should have minimum 80% Attendance for appearing the final examination. Any student whose attendance falls below the required percentage will not be allowed to attend the examinations. - Practical
Attendance in practical is compulsory as Fire & Safety cannot be learned without knowing operation methods of fire protection & safety equipment. - Examinations
Examinations are conducted quarterly and it will be announced prior. No student will be allowed to appear for the examination without hall ticket. - Assessment & Certification.
NCFSE’s motto is to uphold high standards in this field of education. Hence assessment of student is carried out on a regular basis with group discussions, class tests, and semester examinations. - Passing requirements
A candidate passing in all subjects will be classified as follows.
Marks Classification
a) 40 % – 49 % Pass
b) 50 % – 59 % ) Second class
c) 60% – 74 `)/0 First class
d) 75% and above First class with Distinction
A candidate will be declared to have passed the examination in first class or first
Class with Distinction, if he has passed all the papers in the first appearance and obtained
the marks as mentioned above. - Results
Within 30 days from the date of final examination - Certificate
Within 15 days from the date of publishing of results. - Discipline:
Strict discipline shall be maintained inside the classroom and at other premises inside the institute. Misbehavior with the members of the faculty and staff shall be viewed seriously by the management.
Suggestions by students on any aspects regarding the Institute shall be communicated to the office. - Library
The books available at the library shall be for in-house reference only. Books shall be given to students on submission of ID card and it shall be returned on return of the book.
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